Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dober Dan...

Last night I was exhausted. The Slovene language swirls around me all day – I sit in my office and listen to people discuss, shout (excitement, anger?), shriek and giggle. My brain processes these sounds and listens for words it understands (prosim (please/excuse me), Hvala (thank you), Dober Dan (hello/good day) plus few others..). Slovene is a difficult language. I feel incredibly illiterate in the face of these people who speak English, German, Slovene, Italian and often French. It is good to be in the minority, to be in a different culture and place – but at times I miss understanding the conversations that go on about me…

The faculty here are excellent. They all conduct interesting research and are highly published. I attended a diploma defense – which is essentially a senior thesis defense. The young woman had cataloged the neuropterans in the collection and mapped the range of each family. She seemed fairly knowledgeable when grilled by the 3-person committee. Her study was impressively hard bound and formally signed by everyone on the committee. The best part was that her mother brought bread, meat, cheese and wine for everyone for after the defense (it was 10:00 in the morning). I lectured right after the defense feeling fine! This event inspires me to work with my Unity colleagues to improve our thesis program – we could use more consistency in quality and type of project, and, most importantly, we could really use a nice party afterwards to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Amy, just heard about you getting the Fulbright award! Congratulations that's awesome! Sounds like a amazing experience, I really hope the thesis program at Unity is improved as well, I was very disappointed. I came into it expecting something that you describe here, just to find out that your thesis adviser just reads it and gives you a grade. Either way I am going to attempt to have it published regardless, I just need to find the time to change the whole thing to active voice vs. passive voice per the journals requirements.

    I am glad to know I am not the only one who loves ant lions, they are so much fun. I love tossing ants in their traps and watching them attack.
    Anyway have fun, and enjoy your time there!
